
Archive for August, 2012

The General and the President 26 Aug 2012

August 28, 2012 Leave a comment

Alexander “Al” Cuppett

US Army/The Joint Staff, Retired

366 Graves Mill Rd

Madison, VA 22727

26 August 2012


Daily Progress

Charlottesville, Virginia

Here’s a question and some basic guidance for voters hereabouts:

As one who served this country for 31-plus years in the Army and the Department of Defense in about thirty-five countries or major islands; with the final eight years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff/ Air Staff I pose this question:

How can a US Air Force general officer, who took the oath, at least once when he was commissioned, to defend the US Constitution against enemies, both foreign and domestic, run as a Democrat? That is, in view of the fact that seven decades, of having also traveled to forty-seven of the United States, tell me most Democrats despise the tenants of the Constitution and everything for which it stands. To me General Douglass is a walking and talking oxymoron.

Furthermore, as regards voting, a vote for Virgil Goode is a vote for Barak Obama, and it’s quite possible Goode could swing Virginia to Barak Obama; who speaks a fluent Indo-Malay language (I heard him from Jakarta on BBC TV in November 2010) yet he cannot pronounce “Kapiolani” correctly. This too is oxymoronic; and I can articulate five languages and served thirty-eight months in Hawaii.

I usually never, ever, go to movies but I did see the movie “2016 Obama’s America” and although it revealed some grievous hidden problems about Obama, of which most people are unaware, it failed to disclose other pernicious issues which are far worse.

Therefore, be advised, in 2008, the globalist plotters gave us a more ominous “pig in a poke” than Bill Clinton; and if’s he’s reelected, thanks to clandestine behind-the-scenes intrigue, the [planned] end of the Republic will be immediate/imminent. Moreover, Bush Forty-one and Bush Forty-three were no less pernicious in their governing of this Nation.

However, neither Romney, nor any other politician will be able to make this Republic endure much longer; without miracles from Heaven. George Allen is the only hope to extend our longevity, if ever so slightly.

My advice: Get an old Authorized King James Bible and start praying to Jesus, because our time as free people is just about over. “Am I therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth?”


Al Cuppett

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