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Omaha pastor confronted by foreign cops

Al Cuppett
US Army & Action Officer, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Retired)
366 Graves Mill Rd
Madison, VA 22727

17 Sept 2006

Subject: **Foreign cops make themselves visible in Omaha, Nebraska: local Pastor confronted

In July 2006, **Brother “ Joe and his wife invited me to speak three days in Omaha. A dear Brother-in-the-Lord, “Pastor Edgar”, graciously offered the sanctuary of his church for the meetings.

On the 9th of September, at 11:30 PM, Pastor Edgar was in a two vehicle convoy, proceeding South on I-480, intent on doing some church “mission work” while transporting an electronic organ. In Vehicle One (VH1), a truck, was the Pastor; while Vehicle Two (VH2) was driven by his wife; with another sister riding “shotgun”.

VH2 had an engine failure and pulled off along I-480. To make a long story short, VH1 back tracked to “recover” VH2 and found at least one black, unmarked vehicle observing the broken down VH2. The Pastor drove off to get some “starting fluid”, usually ether, in aerosol form; coming back a short time later.

After trying unsuccessfully to start VH2, four all-black vehicles pulled up, with eight officers aboard. The officers were in all black, “NATO” BDU’s, and were armed with side arms; however, neither the uniforms nor the vehicles had logos or any identifying insignia visible. The officers had distinct accents, and were deemed to be non-Americans by the [born again] Believers who heard them speaking with the Pastor.

The officer had approached the Pastor as he was setting up to tow VH2. In the course of their conversation the lead officer was told about the “starting fluid”, which had failed to start VH2. He retorted, “There’s no such thing as starting fluid”. Pastor Bill then produced the canister. Note: This is fair evidence the officer wasn’t an American, since most US men know you can squirt ether [anyway, something] into a carb intake and help start a balky engine.

In the course of the dialogue the officer asked the pastor where he lived. He told him the street identity in Omaha. The officer then asked for the street number. He was told, again, [only] the street identity. At that point the “meeting” terminated, and the Pastor towed the vehicle away.

Subsequently, sometime after midnight, while the Pastor was reading his bible, and I suspect praying fervently, in the early AM, a chopper flew over very low. As it passed over the radio-controlled garage door was triggered and started to open. Immediately, the chopper did a 180-degree turn, returning to hover, while directing a very bright light into the bedroom window. Shortly the chopper departed.

Between that hour and morning it was determined that a circuit board in the processing unit of the door control had been “fried”. The system was “down” and would not work.

That’s about all that you need to know about this incident. You Jewish folks had better make ALIYAH, because I’ve been warning Americans about this for almost THIRTEEN YEARS! The enemy is here!!

Shalom and Chai Israel FOREVER!!

In the Name of the LORD,

Al Cuppett

P.S. In the first report of this incident the reporting individual identified these cops as “Regional Police”, since we had discussed them at the Omaha meetings. However, upon speaking with Pastor Bill it was learned there were, as noted above, no identifiable logos on the vehicles or on the black uniforms.

** While staying at Brother Joe’s, a black SUV with dark windows drove slowly past at least once. No doubt they know where everyone on the “Lists” is; at just about anytime. Note: As of 29 Dec 2006, the pastor, on the radio in NYC with me, both of as guests, reported seeing many more black SUV’s in recent weeks. They are escalating! ABC. DEC 28th 2006: Pastor Edgar, with me, on Pastor Smith’s NYC radio program, also reported recent sightings of many more black uniformed foreigners and black SUVs in Omaha! 8 June 2007: His garage door has been “fried” once again by chopper overflight since the first “*EMP attack” in Sept 2006.

*Electro-Magnetic Pulse

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